Medical Bill Review

It‘s our priority to maximize our clients’ savings on medical bills. We offer a suite of medical bill review services to create a complete savings solution for claims programs.

Utilization Review

Our nurses are experts at reviewing medical reports and corresponding bills. Their in-depth evaluation identifies appropriateness of care, relatedness to diagnosis, frequency and duration of treatment. Eliminating excessive charges reduces medical costs for our customers.

Utilization Review
Case Management

Case Management

We pride ourselves for acquiring the best team of medical case managers across the state of Michigan. Each of our medical case managers is highly credentialed and experienced at their role of assisting insurance companies, employers, and third-party administrators get their injured parties back to work or to Maximum Medical Improvement.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Our Vocational Counselors are experts at determining employability status, wage earning capacity, and completing labor market surveys for our customers’ injured parties. With multiple years of experience, our certified counselors will get claims files back on track with options for return-to-work, settlements or file closures.

Vocational Rehabilitation
Market Surveys

Market Surveys

Our extensive database of information and dedicated team of case managers, adequately and quickly complete market surveys to ascertain costs for a variety of services offered nationwide.

Medical Cost Projections

Assistance in setting a reserve for upcoming treatment, medication, and equipment is a beneficial tool for many of our customers. A comprehensive analysis of medical is reviewed to provide a medically accurate determination of the injury, determining future care and providing a true future value of the necessary treatment. Contact us to get started with our medical bill review services.

Medical Cost Projections

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